EVA Ambivilence
Evangelion Fan Fiction by Richard Flynn

Chapter 1.

"Shinji... hey Shinji c'mon, breakfast is ready." shouted Misato as she fooled around in the kitchen. Shinji was only waking up after a long night on the town, and he felt utterly exhausted. Slowly he stumbled out of bed and made his way down the corridor to where Misato was busily preparing the morning meal. He felt queasy all of a sudden as he looked into the frying pan. Horribly burnt bacon and eggs. Misato never was much of a cook, and he often preferred to eat some of the instant meals that she had prepared on occasion.
"Get this into ya, it's great stuff!" she said as she began pouring the eggs onto his plate. He stared at it with disgust as it made squelching noises when it landed.
"Umm," he began, "I... I think I'll pass on this one." And he gently pushed the plate over to one side. Misato seemed puzzled as he politely rejected his overcooked meal.
"Hmm, what was that? Not hungry?" Misato asked. But Shinji paid no attention. Instead his eyes were firmly fixed apon his eggs, how they bubbled and oozed across his plate. And he couldn't help but feel sick at the sight. Without warning, some acid rose in his throat and hurried to the bathroom where he threw up violently. All this seemed too familiar to Misato as she gulped down the remains of her bacon. She walked over to find him ejecting the previous night's bodily contents down the drain. Looking at him with a sense of pity. Just then the door swung open and a shocked Asuka witnessed the event.
"Smells like you slaughtered a cow in here!" she cried out.
"Shinji's not feeling very well today." Misato answered. Asuka stared at Shinji as he peered over the bowl, then left in disgust. Without a doubt, Shinji felt partly responsible, but then again, he was always like this. Believing that everything was in some way his fault.
It was a regular Monday morning. The green hillsides partially reflected the sunlight that beamed down from above. A picturesque day without a cloud in the sky. The view from Misato's apartment was nearly as good as the day. That is, that it would be if there wasn't such a large crater in the center of what was once the beautiful yet powerful Tokyo-3. The scene of such a violent battle between the angel Armisael and Eva Unit-00 which ended in the most horrific outcome imaginable. The outcome, as it turned out, left only the buildings on the edge of town standing. Although the city was partially rebuilt, those who did not make it out alive plagued Shinji's subconscious. Inside he felt hollow, as he thought of those who did not survive. In his mind, this was yet another reminder as to the true power that the Evangelion possessed. How he hated them. But his day dreaming was short lived. A piece of paper hit him on the head as Asuka, bored and impatient, stood at the door.
"You know Shinji," she started, "I could do my half-yearly exams today, or I could just stick around at home with you. What do you reckon?!" Shinji could sense a tone of sarcasm in her voice and understood what she was getting at. They both grabbed their bags as they waved goodbye to Misato. She drunkenly waved her hand around as they began to leave. Cleary she had begun tanking herself up on beer. Asuka angrily pointed out afterwards that she hadn't even bothered to wait till they were gone before becoming smashed on alcohol. It was typical as she put it. Nevertheless, Misato had a great day from there on.

School didn't provide any surprises that day. Seeing as Asuka had done her college studies with flying colors when she was 14, gave her an edge in her half yearly. Her final mark being no surprise. Shinji was mediocre on the otherhand. Scoring only an average, he was vigorously teased the remainder of the day. A true loser, he weathered countless abuse from others with higher marks, only to isolate himself in a corner at lunch with only his maths book to provide him comfort. Usually Rei would sit with him during lunch. She wouldn't say anything, but still be there in the background so that he would know she was there. Strangely enough, Rei was nowhere to be seen. All at once he began to stress concern. Rei would usually let the others know if she was needed on duty at NERV for some reason or another. And yet he was without answers. Asuka noticed his depressed state and casually wandered over, partly seducing the more gullible boys in the process.
"What's the matter Shinji? Lonely?! I sure hope you're not waiting for wondergirl, she'll be gone a few hours, so don't hold your breath third child." remarked Asuka, who seemed utterly amused at a hurt Shinji, who mildly blushed.
"So then..., you know where she is then. I was just thinking about how she hadn't told me anything."
"Well third child, to be perfectly honest, she never told me anything either. I only caught wind of it from Ritsuko. Apparently something's a mess down at NERV and they need Rei to sort it out. By the way, I know what you're thinking and no I don't know exactly what it was that needed sorting out so don't bother asking."
Shinji shut his mouth. It seemed beyond them both why Rei felt so compelled not to tell them of her future absence. But if Shinji knew Rei as well as he thought he did, (which wasn't very well at all) then it had to have been something of importance. He understood that he would definitely be the last to know as soon as Rei let out what was going on. He reluctantly opened his lunch box. Since Misato could never be bothered with making it for them, Shinji had to make it himself, and not just for him, for Asuka as well. Even after over a year living with Misato and Asuka, he never really caught on that he was the only one who ever did work in the house. 'Same old garbage' he thought to himself. And he quickly closed it back up. At that moment the bell rang, and he prepared himself for the next lesson. As the class settled, the teacher walked in. He was old and frail and feeling his age. Wouldn't be long until he'd retire.
"Christ! What a lank!" said Asuka loudly. And with her the entire class roared with laughter. He immediately shot her a demon like look, and she shrunk in her seat.
"Now then class," he began as he fumbled with an assortment of papers, "before we begin our lesson today, I'd like to introduce a new member to our class."
Everyone in the class turned their heads to the door as the new boy entered.
"This is Matsushito Khan. He will be with for the remainder of this year. I'm certain you will all make him feel very much at home here." And he glared horribly to give off the impression make him feel good or else!
"Take your seat over there next to Asuka. She's the one with the red hair." He quickly walked to the vacant seat and sat himself down. He had dark brown hair and was strongly built. It appeared that he was the type that worked out at a gym regularly. Immediately Asuka felt strangely attracted to him and took considerable interest in every word he spoke. Nevertheless, Shinji had anticipated that this would happen, and he silently sat in front as Asuka drooled over the new arrival. 'Typical' he thought to himself. At the end of school, Shinji walked home by himself. Rei had been gone for the entire day, instead of the few hours Asuka had previously predicted. And Asuka was busy making good friends with Matsushito. The result left Shinji walking home like a loner.
"I'm home!" he shouted as he entered the door. "Not that anyone's here of course." All of a sudden he was confronted by Asuka in the kitchen who was busy giving Matsushito (who she had gladly let in) the royal treatment.
"Oh, Shinji... hi." She spluttered "Umm... I think that you'll have to be finding a new home!" And she quietly giggled as Shinji turned over the horrible thought in his head. She'd only known Matsushito for half a day and already he was moving in! She annoyingly pinched Shinji on the cheek.
"Don't you worry Shinji, I'm sure if you ask nicely, maybe Misato will let you live in the bathroom!" Just then Misato walked in.
"No Asuka he's not living here with us. There just isn't enough room." Asuka's face drooped as Shinji couldn't help but feel a crooked smile coming on.
"Quite the opposite." she continued, "He's going to be living right next door!" Asuka smiled widely while Shinji gave off a nasty look that seemed to represent, 'oh shit'.
"That's correct," Matsushito interrupted, "If it's not too much trouble, would it be okay if I walk with you two to school from now on?"
Asuka clapped her hands loudly at the proposal. "No problem." she answered, "It'll give me an opportunity to show you around town."
"Ha, mark of a true desperate if you ask me!" Shinji exclaimed grouchily, only to get Asuka's elbow in his face.
"You'll have to excuse my young friend, he's a little daft on the mental side of things"
"What!" he shouted. And then he got another elbow in the face.
"C'mon Matt, you don't mind if I call you that do ya?!"
"Umm..." he started."
"I'll give you a rough tour of the place." And she quickly left with Matt hand in hand, leaving a crippled Shinji, now with two black eyes. "
Well Shinji, looks like you've got some competition." Misato said sarcastically as she snapped open another can of beer. But Shinji knew better. 'He doesn't have a chance' he thought to himself as much as anyone. 'No one could have anyone like that as a girlfriend... I hope.' It wouldn't be long until he found out the true extent of what was about to happen to Asuka's new love, let alone what he really was. While the bitch was out he thought he might as well try to pass the time. A mountain of homework awaited him in his bag. And he wasn't looking forward to it. Before he could begin there was a loud knock at the door. 'Gee are they back already?' he wondered. Unfortunately he was sadly disappointed. It was Rei.
"Ah Rei, why weren't you at school today? Something happening down at headquarters?" Rei just looked at him silently.
"You are requested by Commander Fuyuzuki at headquarters. This is a matter of some importance. I strongly advise you to accompany me. The Commander believed that you were the best person suited for this assignment." Then she exited, leaving Shinji spellbound and lost for words. He hastily ran after her as she entered the lift.
"So what do they need me for?" he asked.
"I don't know. I was only sent to get you." she answered. It seemed obvious they she was of no real help and couldn't provide him with any good information, so he kept his mouth shut the rest of the journey. On his entry to Nerv, Fuyuzuki was waiting.
"About time you two showed up!" he blared. They both apologized in unison. Fuyuzuki walked towards a chair and sat himself down.
"Are you two aware of the new student currently in your class?" he asked. Shinji nodded. But Rei stood there puzzled.
"Oh yes. You wouldn't know of him Rei, you were here doing synchronization tests with Ritsuko weren't you."
"Yes," she answered, "that's correct."
"As I suspected, Shinji will be the best suited for this. Shinji. Matsushito Khan who has just entered your class is the 6th child. He was sent here about a week ago along with Eva-05. He has already begun advanced training, and it is believed that by training here with a more experienced Eva pilot, he might become an asset to NERV." Shinji started to break out in a cold sweat. In the few hours that he'd become acquainted with the guy, he already hated him. Now the thought of being his 'teacher' appalled him. "For the six months that he is here, he will be your shadow. You will show him what he wants to see, take him where he wants to go and tell him everything about Evangelion combat that you know. I want this kid up for service in less than half a year. Knowing your past record, I'm quite certain that I can rely on you. Is this understood?!"
"Ah.. yes sir." Shinji replied. But he wasn't looking forward to the task. He didn't know it at the time, but there was something about Matsushito that he didn't like. It was something mysterious. Something in his eyes. It seemed strange to him that NERV should need new Evangelion pilots and indeed, new Evangelions, after the last Angel was defeated. He had always been told by Ritsuko and Misato that the purpose of the Evangelions was to destroy the Angels. Therefore, with the Angels gone why was there the need for Matsushito? Shinji puzzled over this for quite some time, before drawing a conclusion out of sheer boredom.
'The Evangelions had served their purpose, and the pilots were alive and well. With the introduction of Eva-05, NERV could continue to display its military supremacy over the rest of the recovering world.' Shinji believed that if the UN attempted to strike against NERV to take control of the Evangelion units and their pilots, NERV would be well equipped to neutralize the threat. Matsushito was just reinforcements. That had to be it. But what he didn't know was that there was far more to Matsushito than met the eye.
