Toji: Once again.. this stuff isn't done by us
04: Unfortunately, we've forgotten which author did this.. so um.. if you know who did this, then contact us.. preferably Toj
Toji: Why not you 04? You've got access to the net
04: But um... my email is probably flooded with porn
Toji: .. what did you do now?
Twizt3d: Who cares? I don't want to know.. and I want to watch something good for once T-T

(The scene is once again, in a dark theatre. Toji, Twizt3d and 04 have just finished watching
another episode of dubbed Dragonball Z. The theatre goes blank once again, leaving the trio
with a few questions in mind)

All: ....
Toji: Does this mean we can go?
(Twizt3d and Toj look at 04)
04: Hey, don't look at me. I am *NOT* openning the door again. I've been electrocuted enough
times thankyouverymuch
Twizt3d: So what the hell happens now?
Voice: (from the speakers) I've got another suprise for you!
Twizt3d: We're gonna watch something *good* this time?
Voice: That's right!
(Everyone cheers)
Voice: You're watching another piece of trash!!
(Everyone facefaults)
Toji: (sighs) Something tells me, that was pre-recorded...
Twizt3d: Either that, or the guy's one track minded.
04: (speaking to the ceiling) So what are we watching now?
(Instead of a voice responding to the question, the screen comes to life again, this time, of
something other than DBZ..)

-Eva Fan fic (Untitled)-

>*Akoto stands on top of the tallest building in Tokyo-3 with a cape on and shinny marock armor,
he is holding the Blade of Manus Celer Dei*
Toji: Whoa, that was sudden..
Twizt3d: Who the fudge is Akoto? Is he part of Evangelion?
04: With a name like that, certainly not.

>Misato: What is Akoto doing standing atop of that building up there?
Twizt3d: Hoping to get out of this fic, by suicide
04: (As Akoto) I pray to Kami-sama that a lightning bolt strike me down and out of this fic!

>Gendo: he has adressed us as his enemy, and such a person with a high responsability with the
>wrong thoughts in his mind could be dangerous
Toji: When did he address NERV as an enemy?
04: It's probably a Crazy Ivan scheme. He addresses himself to everyone, then explodes

>Misato: We have to kill him?
Twizt3d: That's generally how you get *rid* of enemies Misato
Toji: You're the chief of operations here Katsuragi, you tell us
04: (As Misato) But... I was hoping we could sit down over a cup of tea and discuss this in a
civilized manner!

>Ritsko: What? I was told he was defieing orders?
Toji: (stereotypical teen) That was sooooo yesterday
Twizt3d: (As technician) Ritsko! The enemy is not listening to our orders! What should we do!?
04: Egad! it's the return of *Ritsuko's* evil sister!
Toji: Where's *Ritsuko* when you need her?
04: (As *Ritsuko*) I did the smart thing and not show up for this fic!

>Gendo: he is, by not being here, he has also stolen 2 artifacts from central dogma, and somehow
>altered the molecular strand
04: Of what exactly?
Twizt3d: What *artifacts* did he steal?
Toji: (As Akoto) I didn't steal anything! I just needed some toilet paper, so I got a hold of
some paper with some weird writing on it!.. honest!!
04: (As Gendo) What about my Magazines?
Toji: (As Akoto) Those? Oh they're behind the toilet, where you usually leave them
04: (As Gendo) Oh! My mistake then, carry on.
Twizt3d: -_- why can't the higher up send another chic here to help me out??

>Misato: What is he holding?

>Ritsko: I dont know! its some sort of sword or something
Twizt3d: Oh dear.. we really need *Ritsuko*
Toji: (As Gendo) That's it! Ritsko, get the hell outta here, you're fired! Get me *Ritsuko!*

>Gendo: move all the children to there Eva's NOW!

>Misato: What! an eva against a human! what are you doing!
04: Getting the children to the Evangelions, what the hell do you think?
Toji: Was she paying attention at all?
Twizt3d: (as Misato) Actually I was trying to ignore this thing altogether.

>Gendo:*whispering to himself* I Hope that will be enough
Toji: .. the author's turned this guy from a cold bastard to a mentally disturbed old man
04: Which is a bad thing, right?
Toji: Yeah..

>Maya: The children and in the locker room
04: And I'm as in the exit!
Twizt3d: the hell?
04: It made just as much sense as what Maya was saying
Twizt3d: I'm fully aware of that (pulls out a hammer and strikes 04 into one of the walls)

>gendo: there is no time, move themout without there entryplug suits on!
Toji: Yay! Some decent fan service!
04: But Shinji's going naked too XP. Man, that lowers my sex drive by about 80
Twizt3d: (to the ceiling) Please, please oh please!! Get someone else in here who is not a guy!

>Misato: What! its not like he can hurt us!*whispers to herself* My God akoto what are you doing?
Twizt3d: Wasn't that the same question she asked at the beginning?
Toji: Her amnesia has started to kick in!

>*Shinji, Rei, Mace and Asuka all come out onto the streets of Tokyo-3*
04: Who's Mace?
Twizt3d: Beats me.. if you don't know him.. Let's just hope he sheds some light onto this fic

>Shinji: Ok I am at the surface, but I dont see the target?
Toji: Isn't that kinda contradicting each other?
Twizt3d: yes it is? why do you think so

>Asuka: Neither do I, where is it?
04: (As Misato) I think i'll ignore your question Asuka
Twizt3d: (As Misato)Shinji's the star here! not you, so stop asking intelligent questions!

>Misato: Shinji! look to your right

>*Shinji looks to his right*
Toji: (As Misato) Now look to your left!
04: (As Shinji) (Looks to his left)
Toji: (As Misato) Touch your spine with your elbows Shinji
04: (As Shinji) (Touches his spine with his elbows)
Twizt3d: (As Misato) Touch your ears with your tounge Shinji
04: (As Shinji) (Touches his ears with his tounge, and an audible crack can be heard)
(Toji and Twizt3d laugh at 04)
04: I think my muscles locked into this position.. -_-
Twizt3d: o_O whoa...

>Shinji: There is nothing there, nothing there but a bunch of buildings
Toji: Once, again, contradiction
04: (Struggling to get out of his position)
Twizt3d: You better be careful, you don't wanna make it worse
04: Oh yes, thank you so much Twizt3d.. it makes me feel so much better (tries to move again,
and another crack is heard)

>Misato: Look on the top of the Gainax building

>*Shinji looks on the top of the Gaianax building like Misato said*
Twizt3d: (As Misato) I said *Gainax* You idiot!!
Toji: Shinji really needs to have his eyes checked
Twizt3d: (As Misato) Magnify Unit 01's monitor console! Is Shinji *THAT* blind?!
Toji: The Gainax building... typical company propaganda

>Shinji: oh wait, I think I see somebo- AKOTO!
Toji: Oh good grief, Shinji *knows* him??
Twizt3d: That's a bad thing?
Toji: generally, it's a bad thing for SIs and the existing characters to mix with each other. The
results could be.. disastrous
(During this whole discussion, 04 miraculously breaks free of physical restrictions, and flexes
his muscles to show how strong he is)
04: ...
(But, 04 facefaults as he realizes that neither Toji or Twizt3d were paying attention to him)

>Asuka: What! he is the target?
Twizt3d: You mean, they had no clue?
04: It makes it easier for everyone to manipulate the kids

>Mace: What the hell is going on down there?
Toji: Who's he talking to?
Twizt3d: The kids? But i thought they were in their EVAs
Toji: So what could he be talking to?
04: His pants? Makes a lotta sense to me... (Toji and Twizt3d stare at 04) What??

>*Rei gets into position behind a building*

>Gendo: I order you all to terminate Captain Akoto Kensi, IMEDIATLY!
Twizt3d: *ALL* of them?
Toji: He means every technician and civilian in Tokyo 3 to get the guy and kill kill kill!
04: (As Maya, loading an assault rifle) Let's get'im

>Shinji: NO! he is my friend! a good friend! I wont do it
04: (As Gendo) Oh, that's ok Shinji. I'll leave it to every other tech and civilian to get him.

>Asuka: Neither will I! Humans are not our enemies here, the Angels are!
Toji: This still isn't a loss for Gendo. He's still got the techs

>Mace: If they wont I wont!
Twizt3d: Ok. Now this isn't looking for good for Gendo

>Gendo: *to himself* hrrr
04: (as Gendo, pissed off) I've... still... got... the techs and civilians on my side!!

>*Akoto looks up and opens his eye's look right at shinji with his hands behind his back,
>and the sword in his hand*
Twizt3d: Care to repeat that? In *English*?
04: I'm so lost now..
Toji: Maybe the guy's just challenged to Shinji to a staring contest
Twizt3d: It's not the best suggestion, but it will probably do for now

>Gendo: NOW!
Toji: (As Gendo) Commence staring contest!
Twizt3d and 04: -_-

>*A shot erupts on the top of the Gainax building and demolishes the top 10 floors of the
>building, smoke and debree fly everywhere*

>Shinji, Asuka and Mace: HUH!
Twizt3d: Delinquents... that's what they all are.
04: Or.. they could be smashed (gets struck by a large steel mallet from Twizt3d.) I WASN'T

>*The all look around and find Rei perched behind a building with smoke coming from her Positron
Toji: Perched?
04: (Rubbing his head).. that.. hurt..
Twizt3d: So Rei's a canary?
04: And how can she hold something so large like the positron rifle? I mean, it's like the length
of a... small battleship or something?
Toji: Rei Ayanami, the 21st Century's Hercules

>Misato and Ritsko: Oh dear God
Twizt3d: Yes, I'm also suprised that Rei can lift a 3 tonne rifle by herself
Toji: I think they're shocked that she could kill a human
Twizt3d: No sh*t Toj, everyone knows that
04: She *killed* Akoto!?

>*maya starts to weep in her hands*
Toji: (starts patting 04 on the back) there there... he didn't die... he umm.. (looks at Twizt3d
for help) was sent to the next dimenstion!
Twizt3d: Oh, please.. can't he take it like a man?
Toji: 04 isn't a man! he's a disturbed little child
04: (continues crying)

>Asuka: You little bitch!

>*Unit 02 runs over and tackles Unit 00*
04: (still crying)
Toji: Oh come on, you're missing out on the violence now.
Twizt3d: It's mecha against mecha...
(04 immediately stops crying and his face beams in light, like he was reborn)
Toji and Twizt3d: ....

>Rei: OHH!

>*mace runs over to drag Asuka off of Unit 02, and Shinji runs over to the top of the Gainax
>building where the smoke has still not cleared*
04: (as Mace) Now now you two.. we don't wanna get busted for destroying private property
Twizt3d: (as Mace) So you'd better finish this afterwards, then *everyone* can watch =)
Toji: .. I never knew you liked watching cat fights, Twizt3d
Twizt3d: As long as i'm not involved, i'm fine with it

>Gendo:*to himself* no Shinji, get back
Toji: (shakes his head)
04: That deranged old man...

>*a huge whirlwind comes from the top of the Gainac building and Dhinji his thrown back on his

>Shinji: AHH!
Twizt3d: Why's Shinji screaming when it was Dhinji that got struck down by that powerful gust
of wind?

>Asuka and Mace: huh?
Toji: settle down 04
04: I WANT OUT!!
(04 runs to the door and gets electrocuted worse than ever. A few seconds later, 04 is reduced to
soot.. only to be revived by an unknown power.)
04: -_- Even through suicide I can't even get out of the theatre!
Higher Up: We could give you soul death, where I eat your soul, and remain in there forever, but
that be a blow to your friends.
Twizt3d: Believe me, you'd be doin me and Toj and favour
04: (glares at Twizt3d)

>*the smoke clears away from the top of the building*

>Gendo: no!
Twizt3d: You destroyed Gainax!
Toji: (As Gendo) I'm fading! faaaaaadingg!!!!
Twizt3d: Now we can't watch the *real* Evangelion series! T-T

>*Akoto is Floating mid air with his sword in hand and armor reflecting the sunlight*

>Misato: Oh my God he truly IS an Angel!
04: (As Mr. Satan) It's just a trick! He's using cables!

>Shinji: What the! he's an ANgel!
04: (As Mr. Satan) Weren't you listening to me kid!? (kicks Shinji into the... ready for it

>Misato: Shinji! Terminate him now!

>Shinji: Right!

>*shinji activates his progresive knife*
Toji: What happened to his *progressive* knife?
Twizt3d: Budget cuts.. on the author's behalf
04: (as an ASSIO agent) it was the only weapon we could afford on a public holiday

Twizt3d: Because your choice of friends was really weird?
04: (As Shinji) Dammit! I was hoping to talk to him in the showers!! Just like Kaoru!
Toji: You dirty little bastard 04... -_-
(Twizt3d gets War Machine's proton cannon and aims it a 04)
04: !! Where'd you get *that* from?!

(Meanwhile in another world, War Machine is staring into his hands, wondering where his Super
Weapon is)
War Machine: What the fudge to happen to my proton cannon?
Ryu: (In his Hadou ken position) Hey, you gonna help me unleash a team super attack or what?
War Machine: But I dunno where my Proton cannon is--
(Suddenly, both Ryu and War Machine get KO'd by Wolverine's Berserker Barrage X, and Akuma's
Mettatsu Gou Hadou)

(Well.. erhm..Back to the real world, the gun's barrel unleashes red burning light onto 04,
disintegrating him immediately.. only to have 04 brought back to life again)
Twizt3d: SH*T!

>*Shinji hurlls his knife at akoto*

>*Akoto Floats up so that the knife JUSTS mises him*
04: *JUSTS mises* him?
Twizt3d: this guy's English is fading fast.
Toji: More like the guy's 'engrish' izz fadinnnng

>Ritsko: What! he has no AT field!
Twizt3d: What's an AT Field? Did he make that up?
Toji: Actually, it's direct from the series for the first time in a while. It's basically a
force field, for a better word, but it has some deeper meaning.
Twizt3d: Like what?
04: The barrier of the heart aka, keeps our physical form. Though for some reason, mine never
works whenever i need it.
Twizt3d: so.. if this guy doesn't have on of them fields, he wouldn't exist?
04: Now you're catching on! =)
Twizt3d: =) so what is this Akoto guy anyway?

>Misato: Then he, he isnt an Angel?
Toji: Probably a ghost.
Twizt3d: Then why did he dodge the giant knife?

>Gendo: What am I to do?
04: How about, quit talking to yourself for starters.
Toji: Then there's the issue about Rei, Unit 01, and your wife and kid...

>*a blinding flash erupts from where Akoto is standing*

>Misato: What the hell was that?
Twizt3d: (As Ash) He's evolving!

>Gendo: *Jumps up from his chair* NO!
Toji: (As Gendo) I can't fly!!
Twizt3d: (As Gendo) OW! MY HEAD!
04: (As Ritsko.. or is Ritsuko?) You've got to stop doing that every time sir

>Ritsko: What is he doing!?
04: (As Akoto) Akoto Armour Digivolved to!! BANANAKOTOMON!!!
Toji: 04, you've definately watched too much Digimon
Twizt3d: Don't diss Digimon Toj! (Hits him with a paper fan)

>Gendo: He is changing to his original form, the one in with he was created!

>Misato: What is he!?

>Gendo: We dont know!
(The trio facefault)
Toji: Is he changing into his original form, or what?
Twizt3d: I wish the Author would make up his mind. This story is constantly confusing me
(Smoke is pouring out of 04's ears and nose)

>*the blinding flash cools down*

All: ....
Toji: ...that's getting the no comment of the month.
Twizt3d: How about the year?
04: Huuuu? Huuuuu??? HUUUUU?!?! Is he related to Buu??
Toji: -_-

>*Akoto has turned into a Horned Reaper floating in Air*

04: (As Akoto) I've turned into a horned reaper, weren't you listening?
Toji: (As Shinji) Oh, sorry.. this fic has affected my hearing and attention span.. oh look a

>Akoto: *In a deep echoing voice* I am no longer Akoto now young Child, my name is
Twizt3d: (As Akoto) BANANAKOTOMON!!
Toji: -_-...

>Lord Shadow Reaper, I am the Leader of the rogues!
04: How original >.<
Toji: Compared to that name, and the other one, Bananakotomon is wayyyy better
Twizt3d: But even with the name change, it hasn't affected the outcome of this fic..
Toji: I suppose, but we should brighten it up for ourselves at least, if not for everyone who
might happen to read this.
04: That *is* our job right?
Twizt3d: We had a job to do? I thought being here with you idiots was bad enuff

>*insted of him holding a Sword, he is holding a very grusome looking Sycthe*
Twizt3d: Wait wait wait... he ditched his sword for a farmer's tool?
Toji: Come on, there are more techniques that you could do with a sword, than with a scythe
04: Like what Toj?
Toji: um..... um......errrr
Twizt3d: The sword has a longer blade, the scythe is restricted in certain techniques
Toji: yeah.. what she said

>Asuka: what the hell do we do now! *Helps Unit 00 up*
Twizt3d: I don't know Asuka... *kill* it perhaps?
04: (As Asuka) Hrm.. that idea never occurred to me

>Gendo: Terminate it!, Rei come down to central dogma and retrive the Lance of Longunies! hurry!
04: Egad! More budget cuts by the Author!
Twizt3d: What do u mean?
Toji: It's supposed to be then Lance of *Longinus*.. not this cheapo brand from Black and Gold

>Rei: Yes sir

>*Asuka shoots her Pelet Rifle at Lord Shadow Reaper*

>Asuka: DIE!
Toji: (As Asuka) Wait a minute, if Rei's getting the Lance, and the positron rifle didn't work, why the
hell am I making a useless attempt to defeat this guy, if i know the rifle won't do it?
Twizt3d: (As Misato) Quiet you! I told you not to think about these things before!

>*Lord Shadow Reaper fades into a shadow*

>Asuka: huh? where did he go?
Twizt3d: I'm betting $50 that he's hiding in a shadow
04: I'll take that bet
(Twizt3d and 04 shake hands on the bet)

>Gendo: He has turned into a shadow! look for unusual black spots!
(Toji quietly laughs, while Twizt3d has a large smirk on her face, as 04 relunctantly pays up)
Twizt3d: Come on 04, pay up
04: (Mumbles under his breath, as he gives Twizt3d $50)

>Asuka: uhhhhhhh *She looks at the setting sun and the shadows of the many buildings*
Toji: Oh no! The pain killers have to kick in now?!
04: (As Asuka, smashed) Buuut iiii'm not smazzzzzzd...
Twizt3d: (Shakes her head)

>Shinji: Wait I think I see him!

>Asuka: What whe- AHHHH!

>*Asuka feels a deep cut in her upper calf mussle (Eva)
Twizt3d: And how is that different from the *Calf muscle*??
04: Must be a new form of steroid enhanced tissue... or something

>Shinji: Behind you
Toji: Yes Shinji, we share the same level of concern as you.
04: (monotone) ha.. ha ha ha..

>*Shadow Reaper appears behind Asuka with his Sycthe covered with purple blood*
Toji: (Shadow Reaper) Oh man! I just had this thing cleaned yesterday!
Twizt3d: (As EVA) serves you right for cutting my 'mussle' >P

>Shadow Reaper: You shouldent try to fight me!

>*Shadow Reaper jumps on the back of Unit 02, and clims his way up to the entry plug*
04: Wait a minute, I thought this guy could fly
Toji: Yeah.. what the hell's happened? Does he run on batteries?
Twizt3d: He gets charged by the second when he flies
04: Ohh.. that explains why i can't fly

>Maya: He is aproaching the entry plug!

>Misato: The armor should hold? right?
04: Not that an entry plug has armour mind you, but anyway...

>Ritsko: Did you see what he did to Unit 02 leg?
Twizt3d: (As Misato) Actually I didn't. Can we see it again?


>Asuka: I cant reach him, I cant Reach him!

>*Shadow Reaper sticks his Sycthe in the Hatch leadingto the entry plug*

>Asuka: AHH! it feels like a nail in my spine! Shinji Mace get him off of me!
Twizt3d: Shinji Mace??
04: It's the fusion of Shinji and Mace
(Toji and 04 get into position)
Toji+04: (As Shinji+Mace, doing a stupid dance) FUUUUUUU-SION HA!
Toji+04: (As Shinji Mace) I'm not Shinji or Mace, I am the instrument of your defeat!
Twizt3d: O_o that dual voice thing is *freaky*
Toji: really? Thanks

>Mace: Dont worry! Im coming!
Toji: I thought they were fused together
Twizt3d: That was your stupid interpretation
Toji: Performing fusion is *not* stupid
04: Yeah! Dual voicing rocks!
Twizt3d: Idiots -_-

>*Shadow Reaper starts to gash open a large hole in Unit 02*

>Mace is behind Unit 02 with his progresive knife in hand* I can get him!
Twizt3d: Try stabbing him you fool

>Misato: Mace, becarfull not to stab Asuka while your at it!
04: Who cares? Just stab away
Toji: At the price of an author created character killing an existing character? What were
you thinking 04?
04: -_- I'm sorry


>*Shadow Reaper reaches the Entry plug*

>Maya: Entry plug has been breached!

>Misato: Huh? ASUKA! ASUKA! GET OUT!
Twizt3d: (As Asuka) Yes, I'll jump out of a ridiculously tall robot and fall to my death
Toji: (As Misato) Quick! Duck and cover!!
04: More like roll over.. or something..

>*Shadow Reaper gashes open the verry end of the Entry plug and the LCL comes poring out*

>Asuka: Huh? oh no! he is here! Stay away from me yoU! AHH!
04: Even in times of danger she's stoned! What has the author done?
Toji: Investigated the side effects of drugs on people, using Twizt3d as a fine ex--
(Twizt3d pounds 04 deep in the floor, reducing him to a pancake)
Twizt3d: ... (vein bulging on her forehead)
Toji: (In crippling pain) it was... worth it

>*Shadow Reaper proceeds into the Entry Plug*

>Misato: Asuka! ASUKA!


>*Asuka looks at Shadow Reaper and his Eye's are a firey orange and his long pointy teath
>are roaring*
Twizt3d: His teeth are roaring?
Toji: I thought this guy was a demon, not a mutant
Twizt3d: (As Asuka) Yecch! when did you brush your teeth last?


>Ritsko: Order the colapse of Unit 02, NOW!


>Gendo: Cancel that order
04: (As Gendo) And gimme a hamburger, fries and coke instead

>Shinji: Im coming Asuka

>Shinji: Im coming Asuka!
All: .....
Toji: The hell?
04: Looks like Shinji has a split personality
Twizt3d: Or loss of memory.. either way, that was.... strange.

>*Unit 01 runs up to the frozen body of Unit 02 and sticks its had down into the Entry Plug*

>Shinji: AHHHHH!!
04: (Unit 01 pulls his hand out to find a mouse trap latched onto his hand)
Toji: (As Shinji) Dammit!! I fell for it again!
Twizt3d: (As Asuka) Fooled you!!

>*Shinji pulls his hand back with 2 fingres missing*
Twizt3d: (As Asuka) Whoo!! it did more damage than I thought!
Toji: (As Shinji) T-T I don't have to take this crap from a loud mouthed german! I'm gonna
tell mommy on you! (runs away crying)

>Misato; Asuka no!
04: (As Misato) How many times have I told you not to do the mouse trap trick?
Twizt3d: (As Asuka) But it's so amusing to see Shinji fall for it again, and run home crying
04: (As Misato) Well.. that is true, seeing Shinji cry like a little wimp, but this the heat of battle, we
can have fun later!

>Asuka: AHHHH! AHH- *Static*

>*Shadow Reaper appears on to of the Eva with his SYcthe in one hand and Asuka help by e plug
>suit in the other*
Toji: Appears on to of the Eva? He teleported there?
Twizt3d: What happened to simply climbing out of the thing?
04: no no.. he used (ready for it dubbies?) INSTANT TRANSMISSION!!
Toji: 04, he's a freaking demon, not the next Goku

>Misato: Oh dear God what is he going to do?
04: Oh i don't know Katsuragi.. do a little dance perhaps?
Twizt3d: Perhaps getting off the Eva is another.

>*Shadow Reaper jumps down onto the ground and places Asuka safly there*
Toji: Safly? what's that?
Twizt3d: Whatever that is, it doesn't sound good.. since it's not "safely"

>Shinji is stagering around holding his hand*
04: (As Misato) Oh no! what's going on?
Toji: Shinji's got access to alcohol.
Twizt3d: No no no no... more alcohol means more power
Toji: He's the next drunken master?

>Shadow Reaper: I will not destroy you! let me go in peace!
Twizt3d: That's a little too late for that..
04: Since you allowed the Gainax building to be destroyed, lacerated Unit 02, sliced unit 01's
fingers.. who knows how much this is going to cost!
Toji: SEELE ain't gonna be happy, to find out that one little man did all that.
04: Unless Gendo says it wall a trick done by explosives and cables.. he might be able to save
his own ass

>Gendo: Mace atack him! NOW!

>*Shadow Reaper jumps on Unit 01's head and is about to stab it in the Eye when Rei Appears with
>the Lance of Longunies*
04: (As Rei) Feel the wrath of Black and Gold quality!! It's not the Lance of *Longinus*, but a
cheaper version! The Lance of LONGUNIES!!!

>Rei: Ikari!

>*Shadow Reaper looks at Rei*
Twizt3d: It was Shinji she was calling for.. yet Shadow Reaper responds? (Looks at Toji for an
Toji: .. don't ask me, i don't know!!

>Shadow Reaper: So it is you, Rei Ayanami, you are a verry famous person where I come from
04: Rei's a hollywood star? I never knew that
Twizt3d: (As Shadow Reaper) Can I have your autograph?
04: (as Rei) Autograph? I don't understand

>Rei: Get off of him!

>Shadow Reaper: You know that object is only efective against heavenly matter? I am born from the
>Rogue kingdom, that wont hurt me
Toji: You idiot...
Twizt3d: What's he going on about?
Toji: Well...
04: I'll explain it! The reason Toj calls that guy an idiot, is because the Lance of *Longinus*
can penetrate any AT Field (or force field, whatever u wanna call it). And of course, we told
you that every living thing has an AT Field. Now we gotta determine if this guy is a living being
or a lame attempt of an aggressive Caspar the friendly ghost *phew*
Toji: Holy shit 04...

>Gendo: Shinji, get him off you head and place him on the ground

>*Shinji grabs Shadow Reaper and holds him infront of his head*

>Shinji: Now I could crush you in one movement! why should I let you live?
Toji: (As Shadow Reaper) So we can have a talk in the showers?
04: (as Shadow Reaper) So I can ask about your lifestyle while in bed?
Twizt3d: (As Shinji) Hrm.. those are good points

>Shadow Reaper: You all ready have!

>*Shadow Reaper cuts all of Unit 01's fingres off, freeing him of its grasp*
04: So much for not destroying anything. Now the guy's cut off all of Unit 01's fingers

>Shinji: AHH!
Toji: I think it'd be something more like --
(The entire theatre trembles, creating fissures in the ground)
Toji+04: @_@
(Smoke is pouring out of both Toji and 04's ears, as they try to regain hearing)

>*Shadow Reaper floats back down to the grownd*
04: Can't this guy just use his flying powers throughout the whole thing? I mean, what was the
point of him floating, then 'climing' then jumping, then appearing...
Toji: We get the point. This guy doesn't know what to use at what time

>Shadow Reaper: Let me leave or shal I take you with my Gendo?
Twizt3d: Take him with his Gendo?
Toji: I don't like where that's going...

>Gendo: Be gone from this realm
All: Yes! So we can leave!!

>Shadow Reaper takes one look at Rei, and then fades away, never to be seen or herd from againe,
>atleast thats what you think
(Screen goes blank, and the lights come on again)
04: Thank God..
Toji: Man that was pretty bad
04: The bad guy is a potential DBZ villain - Boast about how strong he is and spend several
hours duking it out.
Twizt3d: At least we weren't watching DBZ
Toji: this doesn't compare to DBZ! I've been shattered for life now!!
04: So I suppose we have to watch DBZ eps again?
(Twizt3d disappears)
Toji+04: .....
(Suddenly, a letter appears where Twizt3d was sitting. Toji picks up the envelope and reads
Toji: 'We're encountering some difficulties up here. We'll try and send a replacement in
until we can retrieve your friend.'
04: Does that mean we got another chic here? I hope she's not as scary as Twizt3d
(Nene from BGC 2040 appears)
Nene: hi!!
Toji+04: @_@
04: (whispering) I was expecting Urd
Toji: (Whispering back) I was expecting Sylia or Lily.. but this is better than nothing..
04: Meaning we can use our 'Tip Top Pick Up Lines' (sleazy grin)
Toji: .. you go first 04
Nene: ...... ?