Mass Production Evangelion (Units 05-13)

A group of nine identical Evangelion Units produced by each of the G7 nations. Unlike prior Evangelion models, these mass produced models deviate from previous Evangelion designs. The first such deviation is the lack of shoulder mounted fins, and therefore lack any sort of stored weaponry. Furthermore is a lack of the standard head design, and while they each have mouth and teeth, they do not possess any visible eyes. In addition, each of these Evangelions utilise a working S2 engine, overcoming the main drawback that existed in all previous Evangelion models before them. Finally, they are all equipped with fully functional dummy plugs, eliminating the need for the presence of children to pilot them.

Their most unique feature is their ability to fly. Rather than using conventional rockets and thrusters, the Mass Production Evangelions utilise wings made of a seemingly flexible material that enable it not only to be stored away or deployed from their backs, but are also strong enough to lift an Evangelion in to the air. In terms of armament, they are equipped with large, double bladed weapons. While these blades are seemingly heavy, and more than enough to cleave through enemies, they also have the ability to morph into replicas of the Spear of Longinus. Just like the original spear, these replicas are also capable of penetrating AT Fields. Furthermore, these weapons do not need to be physically held by the Evangelions to trigger this function.

With a near limitless operation time, combined with a perfected Dummy Plug system, these Evangelions could be considered the most dangerous weapons created. The lack of human pilots means that these units are not held back by empathy, fear, or mercy as they viciously rip apart their prey.

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