
Neon Genesis Evangelion (known as 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン/New Century Evangelion in Japan) is a series that is a combination of typical mecha fanfare combined with drama. At first glance, it seems to be nothing more than giant robots fighting aliens, but looking beyond that it takes a closer look at the children who pilot these giant technological weapons - specifically Shinji Ikari. The series explores how a mentally unstable 14 year old tries to cope with being thrust in to a position of significant responsibility by a father that never wanted him until now, while also trying to discover what it is that he wants most.

The series (especially the TV series) also utilises a lot of religious imagery and symbolism throughout, with many a discussion over the years on forums all over the internet dedicated to this aspect of the series, trying to discern its meanings and how they tie together.

The original TV series first aired in Japan in October 1995 containing 26 episodes. Following the end of the TV series, two movies were released: Death and Rebirth, and The End of Evangelion. Death and Rebirth was first released in March 1997, made up of two parts, "Death," and "Rebirth." Death was a recap of the first 24 episodes of the original TV series which also included new scenes and footage not featured in the original run of the TV series, with Rebirth serving as approximately 24 minutes worth of preview for The End of Evangelion. The End of Evangelion was released two months later, intended to replace episodes 25 and 26 of the TV series, and providing the "true" ending (or at the very least, an easier to understand ending) to Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Though Neon Genesis Evangelion ended its original run in 1997, it would be 10 years later in 2007 where a series of films known as "Rebuild of Evangelion," or "新エヴァンゲリオン:劇場版" (New Evangelion: Theatrical Edition) as it is called in Japan, would be released. Made up of 4 movies with the final movie released in June 2021, they serve as a sort of retelling of the original TV series, giving long time fans another serve of Evangelion with a different take, while also giving new fans a chance to experience Evangelion for the first time.

Despite the release and conclusion of the films, the original TV series has still received much attention. Having being released on DVD and Bluray, along with boxed collections numerous times, it has even made its way on to streaming services.

TV series release date

Films release dates.

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