Evangelion Provisional Unit 05

Compared to other Evangelion models, Provisional Unit 05 has a rather different silhouette, due to its construction not being completed in time. In place of legs are four mechanical limbs with wheels at the end of each. In addition, where the Evangelion's hands would be are a pair of crude looking manipulators.
In another significant departure from other Evangelions is the way that power is supplied. Normally, power would be supplied by an umibilical cable plugged in a socket in an Evangelion's back. However, due to Bethany base being made up of a network of underground tunnels, power is instead supplied by a overhead powerline system connected to Unit 05's shoulder fins, similar to how electric trains are supplied power. With this system, the Evangelion can easily navigate the interior of the base. Like previous Evangelions, Unit 05 does have its own internal battery that can allow it to operate without a connection to the overhead lines, though its limited to five minutes of operation. Another unique feature is it's ejection system. Where previous Evangelion models simply have the entry plug ejected, Unit 05's system differs in that the entry plug is shifted in to a separate shuttle-like module, which is then ejected from the Evangelion.

In terms of weaponry, it is equipped with just one: a lance-like weapon called the "Anti-Angel Extermination Weapon Spear of Longinus Basic Type (Pseudo-Restoration)". What is unique about this weapon is that it has a gem near the tip of the spear, and is capable of piercing AT Fields. Due to its maniuplator-like limbs, Unit 05 is unable to equip the types of weapons other Evangelion models would typically wield, like knives or rifles.

Provisional Unit 05 serves as a sentry for Bethany Base. Specifically, its role is to ensure that the Angel that is sealed there does not escape, either by recapturing it or destroying it. Due to its incomplete nature, Unit 05 was given prosthetic limbs and a power supply system that would help it easily navigate and fight within the tunnels of Bethany Base. Consequently, this means Unit 05 is unable to operate in any extended capacity outside of the base itself.

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