Evangelion 13

Eva 13 is the culimnation of everything learned from the development and construction of previous Evangelion models. While it shares many design elements as Unit 01, including colour scheme, it is much more advanced.

In a significant departure from all previous Evangelion models, Eva 13 utilises a twin entry plug system, and therefore requires two people to pilot it. In addition, it requires both pilots to be in sync with not just the Evangelion itself, but also with each other to be able to effectively operate it. However if necessary, one pilot can forcibly lock out the other and take sole control of the Evangelion. Furthermore, while it cannot be seen at first glance, Unit 13 has a second set of arms. However, these are usually sealed away in a cross-like fashion across its chest. It also appears to run on a different type of power source, eliminating the need of an umbilical cable found in earlier Evangelion models.

In terms of armament, Eva 13 utilises a number of remote drones known as RS Hoppers, which are stored in external cases mounted on the shoulder fins. As the Evangelion is unable to generate its own AT Field, it relies on these drones to generate the fields instead. However, this also means that they can be utilised both as a defensive measure, and as offensive weapons in multiple directions. Consequently, should these remote drones be destroyed, Eva 13 has no other defensive measures to protect itself. On the other hand, due to having no AT Field of its own, it is immune to anti-AT Field weaponry: in fact, anti-AT Field projectiles seemingly disintegrate on contact with Eva 13.

Due to its unique design and abilities not seen in other Evangelion models, such as the double entry plug system, an extra pair of arms, and the apparent lack of an AT Field, Evangelion 13 clearly serves a purpose beyond simply combat. However, should it enter a fight, it can overpower its enemies with great ease.

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