Contact Toji

So you want to contact Toji do you? Well, it seems that you want to do so because:

  • You want submit something in to the site (avatars, artwork, wallpapers, written work, etc.)
  • You want to submit feedback about the site
  • You want to say hi for whatever reason

Regardless of your reasons, there are a couple of methods to contact me.


This is the most preferrable form of contact. If you wish to submit something to the site, then send it in to tojisuzaharra [@] hotmail [dot] com
Just be sure when you're submitting the work that you make the subject header in your email clear that you are actually submitting something (i.e. title "Toji's World - Content submission" or something similar), just so it doesn't get ignored and deleted.


I haven't really been hanging around forums these days, and I'm currently not active on any of them. However, should I ever get back in to them, I will be sure to be update this space with a forum name, and relevant contact information.


I don't really do much online gaming these days, though I do play the Pokemon games from time to time. If you're interested in trading/battling, especially in the 6th and 7th generation games, send me an email with your friend code. I'm always up for some trading.

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