Updates: 2004


Since I didn't update last month, I'll make up for it this month with some decent updates.

  • More avatars added as usual
  • Added one new picture in the drawn section
  • Added an anime convention report in the written section
  • Added and updated content in the random section
Since this is the final update for the year, have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy 2005.


And you thought I wasn't going to update this month:

  • Added more avatars
  • Added one picture in the drawn section
  • Fixed up the link to one of my other drawings in the drawn section
I really should look into completing some of the character profiles and reviews that I've started, but exams aren't that far away, so those things will have to wait.


I've managed to keep to my word so far:

  • Added Megaman avatars
  • Updated some of the links in the random section. Specifically the desktop image and MP3 list.
I was planning to put one more thing up this update, but I felt that I needed to clean it up a bit and maybe add a few things to it. So yeah, that's it for this month.


Since I'll be starting uni again in the next couple of days, I decided to do one last update. I might update once a month after that, if possible. Onward to the updates:

  • New avatars added
  • Added 1 pic in the drawn section
  • Added 1 new character profile
  • Added my very short MP3 playlist in the random section
That's all for now.


Behold, version 7.0. You'd be suprised how long this actually took to make, as I had been constantly re-editing the site, to make it user friendly. It's viewable in 1024 x 768 AND 800 x 600, in that there should be no extra scrolling for the index page. Yes, I know the use of i-frames doesn't make this site completely user friendly, but I really don't care. If this was going to be an anime site that was interested in getting lots hits and becoming internet famous, then I'd be using something other than frames - but there's no point talking about the what-ifs. This is a personal page, and i'm sticking to i-frames, so poo on you (random emoting).

Anyway, on to the important updates:

  • All content is now under the Features section
  • New character added in the Character Profiles
  • New Blog
  • Small number of new avatars added
  • Written section's links fixed up.
I'm sure there's more, but I can't remember off the top my head. So enjoy.


Added avatars in the Digi Charat, Evangelion, Rurouni Kenshin, and Street Fighter sections.
Added a new profile, and added some new stuff in the random section


Added new avatars in the Bubblegum Crisis, Guilty Gear, King of Fighters and Street Fighter sections
Added a new character profile.
Added a comic in the drawn section.
Fixed up the link for Badmutha's Eva pic.


Removed the Enter the Magi page, due to lack of personal interest. R.i.P once again E.t.M
Added one of my drawings up, after so long, in the Drawn section
Added new avatar categories: Digi Charat and Guilty Gear, bringing the total number of avatars to 101.
Added a new feature - Character Profiles. How well do you really know your favourite characters?


Woo, the first update for 2004.
Added a review for Matrix Revolutions.
Added new avatars in the Bebop, Evangelion and Kenshin sections
Finally, added an impressive pic of Spike Spiegel, drawn by my friend, Annie.

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