Updates: 2008
Yes, I actually have one more update for the year (insert excuse of too much work here).
- New review added
- Updated the About Toji page
- Fixed up layout coding so that it's now properly viewable in Firefox.
I finally got around to fixing up most the code so that's one more weight off my back. Since this is the last update for the year, Merry Christmas and a Happy 2009.
I actually had this update ready two months ago, but for some reason, I could not log on to my host to upload. Well, anyway:
Given with my current job and all, it looks like that the updates are going to be infrequent compared to when I was at uni. Rather than an update, it'll be more like an update once every few months.
Wow. Seven months since there was any activity on this site.
The main contributing factor for this is that my previous host (Anime-Theatre) is down, and it doesn't look like that it will be up again any time soon. So now, I've shifted over to a new host called memebot, and it's a decent enough host in that it's ad free.
So over the next week or so, I'll be slowly uploading the rest of the site. Toji's World is back, baby.
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