Updates: 2013
26/07/2013 - Minor layout changes
~ Toji

I have to admit, I am certainly glad to being more committed to updating this site on a regular basis compared to the past. The rate in which I am updating does give me time to come up with new content, as opposed to rushing at the last second to come up with something half decent for the site.
- The most obvious update, I have made a minor change in the layout of the site. The border surrounding the content area of the site helps to make it stand out a little better. I find it does look nicer than before.
- I have added more avatars to the Avatars section, including adding more avatars to the Vocaloid and Bemani sections.
- On top of adding more images to the Drawn section, I have also fixed up some of the links under the submitted images area, as a number of them were not working previously.
- Also, I have updated the About Toji page with some updated information
- On another note, I have updated the Links page with one new link
- Lastly, I have added two images to the Random section. Just having a little bit of fun, even if the memes are a little old.
Some additional information, I am no longer using the http://tojisworld.cjb.net URL, as the provider of this feature has now become a fully paid service. In the case of this site, there really isn't any urgency to pay for this feature as the regular URL is just as good. So it's back to the regular URL of http://tojisworld.zxq.net. Dewa mata
10/1/2013 - Updates for the New Year
~ Toji

This is the first of, hopefully, a series of regular updates every six months, due to my current circumstances in the real world. I had planned to get this update ready to go last month, but was not able to for various reasons.
- To start with, I have updated the Avatars section, adding avatars to existing categories, and adding a new Vocaloid Avatars page.
- Next, I have updated the Wallpapers section, with a new wallpaper added in the Megaman category.
- In the Drawn section, I have added some new images. I also fixed up the broken image in the 2004 category, and I also added one image under 2011.
- Also, the Written section has been updated with two new lyrics with translations included.
- Next, I have updated the image in the About Toji page to something a little nicer.
- Finally, given the obscure nature of this site, I have decided to remove the guestbook. If for some reason you wish to contact me about something, the Contact Toji page is still applicable with details on how to get a hold of me.
With that, I hope you all have a happy and safe 2013.
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