Updates: 2014
21/02/2014 - Toji in Japan
~ Toji

I do have some important news regarding the site, but I feel I should get the updates out of the way first.
- New drawings have been added to the 2013 and 2014 categories of the Drawn section.
- New profiles have been added to the Character Profiles page. It's one of a few sections that have been due to an update since launching version 9.0 of the site.
- I have added new avatars to the Avatars section.
- The Contact link has been added into the "About" drop menu, so that page is now accessible from anywhere on the site.
- Also, I have added a new Zone of the Enders wallpaper in the Wallpapers section
- Finally, the my blog has changed in layout and purpose. More explanation on that below.
Now, for that other bit of news I mentioned. As I will be studying abroad for the rest of this year and in to early next year (hint: I'm going to Japan), updates to the site will be put on hold until I return home. However, for those that might be interested in my activies in Japan are welcome to keep tabs on my blog, as I aim to talk about not only my observations of life in Japan, but also whatever antics my friends and I will most likely get up to. It would also give me an excuse to continue practicing my Japanese at the same time, though I'll be trying to write entries in both English and Japanese.
With that, dewa mata!
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