Updates: 2017
21/05/2017 - It's been a While
~ Toji

I know it has been over 3 years since my last update, but just so you know, I did not die. Actually, a lot has happened in the last few years. If you have been following my blog, then you should have some idea. For those that haven't read my blog, the tl;dr version is that after I came back from studying in Japan in 2015, I went back to Japan a year later for work, and I am in living in Japan right now.
In any case, that is a story for another time, and another place So here are some updates after a three year hiatus, and strangely enough, what is now this site's 16th birthday!
- The main update - a lot of drawings have been added to the 2014 category, and a new one in the 2015 category in the Drawn section.
- One new review added, covering AM2R: Return of Samus
- My profile has been updated to reflect current goals, and a little more detail about myself.
- The Links page has been tidied up. A lot of dead sites removed, and new ones added.
Hopefully, with what I've learned during my time in Japan, I'm hoping to do more lyric translation work. However, I am looking to move away from Vocaloid-songs to translate, and lean towards other types of Japanese bands and artists.
Furthermore, I am considering expanding the reviews section from my original categories (CDs, games, movies, TV series) and possibly towards figures and models.
Finally, while I may not be updating the site as often, I still keep my blog updated on a somewhat more regular basis regarding my experiences working in Japan. Feel free to check that out.
I realise I plugged my blog a number of times in this update. But you know what? I don't care, here's another plug.
With that, dewa mata!
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