13/10/2019 - Relocation
~ Toji

Due to my previous webhost suddenly deleting my site for no apparent reason (though I can think of two possible reasons), I have been forced to find another host on where Toji's World can reside.
While I have been working on content for the site, I feel I should wait until the next proper update to do so, as I wouldn't feel right about a hastily put together update. I would rather do a proper content update, which will come, and not in two years like the previous update.
With decent free webhosts being hard to come by these days, I can only wait and see how long the site will last on this current webhost before being deleted under mysterious circumstances. However, I do welcome being proven wrong.
With that, until next time.
25/05/2019 - I'm Still Here
~ Toji

First of all, I'm not dead, despite there not being an update last year.
Another year on, and Toji's World is another year older. Surprisingly, this site has been around for 18 years now? Honestly never thought it would get this far. At best, I suspected I would neglect the site (not like I've never done that before!), and abandon it before the host decides to remove it due to inactivity.
Times like this, I'm glad I was wrong.
But enough about the ancient-ness of Toji's World, let's get in to the updates for 2019:
- Some new drawings added in the Drawn section covering 2017, 2018 and 2019.
- I have updated the Drawn section to make it easier to navigate around.
- A new profile for Big O's Schwarzwald added in the Character Profiles section
- I also made a small change to my AM2R review, since Metroid Samus Returns has been released for the 3DS
- Following that, I have also added a review for the official remake of Metroid II, Metroid: Samus Returns
Since getting my hands on a tablet, I've been drawing more often now, so expecting more drawings in the future. I am also looking in to how to go about doing reviews for things besides games, movies, music and so on, so hopefully something will come about from that in the next update.
With that, until next time.
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