Updates: 2020
14/05/2020 - An Update this Year? Impossible!
~ Toji

Considering there was 3 year gap in updates between 2014 and 2017, followed by no update in 2018, you would be forgiven for thinking that since I updated last year, there wouldn't be any updates this year. Well, I kind of got my shit together and started working on this update since last year, making new content bit by bit over the past year, so I wouldn't have to rush at the last second like I have done previously. Given my current circumstances, this seems to be a more manageable approach to handling site updates - even if I said that every other time.
In any case, on to the annual update
- New drawings added in the Drawn section for 2019 and 2020.
- New profiles added in the Character Profiles section. I have now included mecha/space crafts in to the mix, including the 08th MS Team's Terry Sanders and Gundam Ground Type, Gundam Build Divers' Gundam Astray No-Name, and Cowboy Bebop's Swordfish II. The Swordfish II profile finally makes its return since it was last featured in version 7.0 over 10 years ago.
- The Links page has been updated. I have included a separate section for links to my favourite sites that no longer exist, but have been archived.
- The About the Site page has been updated. I added a screenshot of another unused version 7.0 design that I was considering using when making version 7.0 back in 2004. You can see that I really liked Cowboy Bebop at the time.
- Finally, I uploaded a new review covering the Wagakki Band: Kiseki Best Collection+ album.
Despite having this layout for 8 years, and satisfied with it for the most part, perhaps it might be time for a new layout in 2021 when the site turns 20 years old...
... Or maybe not, I don't know.
With that, until next time.
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