Updates: 2023
14/01/2023 - Coming Full Circle
~ Toji

As you can see, I did not go ahead with a new layout, an idea I was throwing around two years ago. I could very easily drum it up to just a lack of time, as a result of being a grown-up who is busy doing grown-up things, yet is somehow still able to update his blog more frequently than his main site. Or, I could say that, and also explain that there is another reason for not going ahead with that new layout.
Now, the 2022 2023 update:
- My main update, and reason for not going through with a new layout for Toji's World, is the launch of a new Evangelion website, Return of the Magi. This is a major work in progress, but feel free to check it out if you are a fan of, or curious about Evangelion.
- New character profiles added - RX-105 Xi Gundam from Gundam: Hathaway's Flash, the Red Tail from Cowboy Bebop, and Tigerhawk from Beast Wars
- New reviews added - bigbiglove by Little Birdy, and the High Grade Grimoire Red Beret from Gundam Build Divers.
- The Drawn section has been updated new images for 2022, and one for 2020 that I decided to finally upload (second to last image under 2020). Admittedly, I haven't been practicing my drawing much these days.
Also, I added some more functionality to the Drawn section, in that you can scroll between images either by clicking the arrow, or pressing left/right on your keyboard (like a regular lightbox gallery), rather than click out of an image to see the next one.
- I updated the review for Neon Genesis Evangelion OST 1. I only realised recently that I had missed one track in the listing. This has been fixed.
- The Links page has been updated to include a link to my Neocities profile, which contains a list of neocities sites that I follow/who follow my site. If you also happen to have a Neocities site, please feel free to follow me, and I will be sure to return the favor.
- The About Toji page has been updated, reflecting a change in my circumstances
As I mentioned earlier, Return of the Magi is a work in progress, so expect frequent updates. Well, more frequent than Toji's World, anyway. However, from this point on, as it is its own separate site, updates made for Return of the Magi will be posted there.
With that, until next time.
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